How to get started with video - My collaboration with Michelle, a multi award winning business professional

Today I want to share a little story about a collaboration, that I am really thankful for. 

Everything started when I signed up for Amy Porterfield’s “Courses that Convert” program a few weeks ago. It was a spontaneous move of mine. I had the impulse, that it would be good and fun to createonline training about how to get started with video. 

The first module was all about validating ones course idea, through course calls. And now we are getting closer to my collaboration ;) In the private course FB group I asked for people, who would be interested in my course topic to jump on the phone with me. Michelle Hanton had just dared to put her first facebook live video out there and I thought she would be a perfect candidate to talk to. After our 40min call, she somehow felt we had the same vibes and asked me if I would like to guest post on her blog.

So who is this woman? I admire her, because she is incredibly innovative and curious compared to many others in her age bracket. Besides she shares pretty much all of my values: Do what you love, Personal Empowerment, Authenticity, Life / Work balance, sharing your knowledge. 

If you want to know more about marketing and the obstacle that are holding you back to achieve your goals, go and check out her website:

And now going back to our shared efforts of the blog post about direct to camera speech.  Learn more about: 

  • Fear of not being professional enough
  • The Only 3 Essentials You Need to get started
  • Pick the right location

Go and check out Michelle’s and my blog posts at: